Colossians 1:13-14 tells us that we were rescued from the kingdom of darkness and transferred to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Our redemption was immediate, but keep in mind, we were orphans and beggars when we were rescued.
Any time that a rescue is required, there is trauma involved. Right?
Our sanctification, the renewing of our mind, unlearning old mindsets and behavior patterns takes time.
Most of us have been wounded in many ways throughout our lives - sometimes at the hands of others and sometimes because of our own choices.
Regardless, we need those wounds restored.
We have also believed lies from the enemy about ourselves and about God that have led to issues in ourselves, our relationship with God, and our relationship with others.
In our practice, both levels of Soul Care are prayer-based experiences that break the bonds and lies of the enemy and bring restoration to those areas of wounding. We address generational issues as well as the root of personal habits and triggers.
Gentle Soul Care is a guided conversation with Jesus.
Scripture tells us that those who belong to the Father hear and know the voice of Jesus, their Shepherd. He speaks to each of us uniquely - all of us through His Word, but individually, we may "hear" God through impressions in our heart, pictures or words in our mind, etc.
Scripture tells us that Jesus is Immanuel - God with us.
Gentle Soul Care is an opportunity for you to press into those truths with guidance and hear what Jesus has to say to you.
In Deeper Soul Care we invite the Holy Spirit to lead us to a trauma or generational issue where He wants to bring restoration.
I liken it to trying to get rid of a tree. You could go out and pull on the tree really hard and get nowhere.
If you were to dig around the tree first, then you would be able to remove the tree completely much more easily.
That's what we do in Deeper Soul Care.
The Holy Spirit leads us to clear out emotions related to the trauma or generational issue - this is like digging around the tree - then He leads us in breaking the lie, vow, or agreement that we made in response to it so that it can be removed for good.
Deeper Connection with Jesus
Release from the weight of Guilt & Shame
Restore Your Hope, Peace, & Joy
Change Your Generational LEGACY
Christian mid-life Mamas who are OVERWHELMED with life
Women who feel guilty that they are STRESSED OUT when others have it worse
Educators who are just OVER IT ALL
Daughters with aging parents who need care and parenting
Mamas who feel like they're responsible for EVERYTHING
Women who have FAILED at achieving balance.
Honestly, anyone with a pulse needs Soul Care!
We take the perspective that if something is in alignment with God's character, doesn't go against the Word and produced good fruit, it's good!
God is in the gaps, my Friend.
Please be advised that I offer my services as a soul care practitioner trained in multiple modalities. I am NOT a licensed mental health professional. The approaches I offer are not intended to be a substitute for medical diagnosis or psychotherapy, and they do not replace the services of a licensed physician or licensed psychotherapist.